Friday 11 January 2013

A Jar of Sin


May Allah سبحانه و تعالى‎  shower His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. 
May Allah سبحانه و تعالى  be pleased with all the Prophets, Sahabahs, Ahle bait, Tabi'un. May Allah  سبحانه و تعالى‎ have mercy on the souls of the Scholars and all the righteous individuals of the ummah.

What is a Jar of sin.......

[X is referring to either a male or female illicit image]

Let me take you on a stroll to find out exactly where this jar exists and how it affects a person’s senses to commit an act against the divine commandments. 
You wake up in the morning going into your normal day to day routine. You switch on the TV flip past a few channels until you come across a music video. Featured is X inappropriately dressed vocalising explicit language. You continue to watch this video for a little while until it’s time to get out of the house.
You are out the house driving or walking and you notice X again wearing inappropriate clothing, you continue to look at X until your vision is satisfied.
Whilst you are driving you stop at the red traffic light. The traffic is slightly heavy so you begin to look around you and right in front of you is a billboard, guess who is displayed on it??..... X
You continue to look at the board until it’s time to move.

Now you are at the local shopping mall or town centre, you walk around and continue to have deep glances at the several X walking around you.

At this point your jar is almost full and its time to play the act. You need to do something about the times you have seen X today. This is the point where you will be weak and your temptations will be pounding. You will eventually do something today whether  it’s approaching an X or something else.
After your have played the act your Jar of sin is empty and ready to fill up again.

What is this Jar of Sin........?

This jar of sin in constructed in our minds, it get filled up with images and thoughts that we visualise or ponder over throughout or lives.

In this short episode I presented to you that Jar began to fill up at certain intervals. A soon as a image is stored into this jar it craves for another to follow suit. Hence the more images that are stored the more the Jar fills up. Once it’s full it can’t take any more images so thus it’s time to empty the jar which means time to commit a sinful act.
The problem is the more a person indulges and thinks deep about illicit imagery the more the person craves for them. Chemical reactions take place which are intervened with the devils thoughts that make it almost impossible for a person to control themselves.

The way to stop this Jar getting full is by controlling your temptations and trying your best to avoid looking at the visual that will fill the jar up. One needs to try to follow a thought removal method. As soon as you see an illicit image just remove the thought from your mind. Don’t ponder over it, replace the thought with the dhkir of Allah سبحانه و تعالى‎.

Awareness is another strong method, you must understand that Allah سبحانه و تعالى  presence is around you. The al Mighty is watching every step you take every vision you ponder over. If you see a illicit image don’t  make it your focal point of thought. Think that Allahسبحانه و تعالى  is watching you and how ashamed you feel that you are going against Allah سبحانه و تعالى command.
If you strengthen yourself with these methods then by time you will become rigid and will never fill that Jar.

May Allah سبحانه و تعالى‎  give me and you the strength to fight our desires and stay on the correct path.


Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min ‘adhabi jahannam, wa min ‘adhabil-qabr, wa min fitnatil-mahya wal-mamat, wa min fitnatil-masihid-Dajjal.  Allahumma ‘inni ‘a’udhu bika minal ma’thami wal maghrami.

O Allah! I seek Your protection from the torture of hell, and I seek Your protection from the torture of the grave, and I seek refuge with You from the mischief of life and death, and I seek Your protection from the mischief of Dajjal pretending as Messiah.  O Allah! I seek refuge in You from sin and from debt.
